
The Dressing Table wins award

I am honored to be awarded 3rd place in the Wimberley Valley Art League Spring 2021 Virtual Juried Gallery Show for my Still Life “The Dressing Table”!

Juror Maxine Price’s comments on this piece:
“Third Place: “THE DRESSING TABLE”, 12”x12”.
This is a small photograph that makes a strong impression of time and place. Shades of Grandmothers everywhere! The intricate trifold mirror and the reflections on it, the antique oil lamp, the delicate ornate clock and the beautifully decorated hand mirror exude such overall warmth and richness of detail that I would like to jump into that time and place and sit awhile.”

You can purchase my still life pieces including this one on my website:

You can view the show here:

The Dressing Table